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Fancy-Colored Cubic Zirconia Gems

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Cubic Zirconia (CZ) is well known and widely available as a durable and affordable diamond simulation in its water-clear form.  Here, we offer some less-common fancy-color cubic zirconia gemstones. The cubic crystal structure of zirconia ZrO2 is not stable in nature. In lab-grown crystals, the addition of a few percent of calcium or yttrium oxide creates the stable gemstone. It is harder than most natural gemstones (except diamond, ruby, and sapphires) and has a high refractive index and excellent dispersion.  So these gemstones have unusual brilliance and fire.  And they take a lot of hard daily wear.  The colors are caused by a variety of dopant atoms present in small amounts.  All cubic zirconia is lab-created and grows at an extremely high temperature (~2,700 degrees Celsius or 4,800 degrees Fahrenheit) - so hot that only a crust or "skull" of the same material can be used to contain the melt.  We can also set these gemstones for you in silver or gold jewelry mountings.  Ask for details. You can click on any underlined Item # to see a photo of the gem(s). Use your browser's "back" button to return to the list.


Item Description



Water-Clear (white) CZ Sparkling clear, like a fine diamond


5 mm round Makes an excellent diamond simulation. Water-clear (white) cubic zirconia, faceted in a 5mm round brilliant cut. There are 7 3 available, and the average weight is 0.88 ct (equivalent to a 0.5 ct diamond).  



6 mm round This size of CZ simulates a 0.75ct diamond.  Water-clear (white), cut in the style of a 6-mm diameter brilliant. There are 4 available, and the price shown is per gemstone. The average weight is 1.42 ct. new



7 mm round These white diamond-style, water-clear 7-mm diameter brilliant CZs make an excellent diamond simulation, with lots of fire.  There are 8 7 5 4 3 available, and the average weight is 2.21 ct (the size is equivalent to a 1.25 ct diamond). Price shown is per gemstone.  



8 mm round These water-clear (white) CZs are faceted in a brilliant cut and are the size equivalent of a 2.0 ct diamond. Makes an excellent diamond simulation with great fire. There are 10 9 8 7 6 available, with an average weight of 3.39 ct. The price shown is per gemstone.  



Emerald-green CZ Like an emerald but with more fire


5 mm round This 5mm round star brilliant cut cubic zirconia is the same green color as an emerald but is as brilliant as a diamond. Eye clean. It weighs 0.86 ct and is priced at $9/ct. sold



10x8mm oval There are two is one brilliant cut emerald green color 10x8mm oval cubic zirconia available. Eye clean, durable, and much more affordable than the emerald they so closely resemble. The average weight is 4.8ct., priced at $9/ct.  The price shown is per gemstone.  



7x5 mm emerald shape We have 5 4 2 1 of these classic emerald cut 7x5mm cubic zirconia. Excellent gems if you want the look of emerald jewelry, and we have many settings available to choose from. Eye clean. The average weight is 1.74ct., priced at $9/ct.  Price shown is per gemstone.  



8x6 mm emerald shape There's a matched pair of one 8x6 mm emerald cut cubic zirconia (may be sold separately). They have the rich green color of emeralds and are eye clean. The average weight is 2.67ct., priced at $9/ct., and the price shown is per gemstone.  



10x8 mm emerald shape In the 10x8mm size we have one emerald-green color cubic zirconia faceted in a rectangular step cut (the traditional emerald style cut). Excellent clarity - a very nice gemstone, with more brilliance and durability than a natural emerald. It weighs 5.85ct., and is priced at $9/ct.  



Pink CZ Light pink gemstone


8 mm heart Eight 7 6 5 very pretty "pink ice" cubic zirconia 8mm heart faceted gems. Excellent perfection. The average weight is 3.5 ct.  The price shown is per heart. These would be great for a ring, earrings, or pendant.  



10 mm heart There are 3 2 of these large, very sparkly pink cubic zirconia 10mm faceted hearts available. The clarity is perfect. The average weight is 7.57 ct. The price shown is per gem. Perfect for use as pendants!  



10x8 mm oval There are 2 1 larger star faceted ovals perfect for use as a ring or a pair of earrings. Because of the increased size, these 10x8mm pink cubic zirconia have a bit deeper color and more sparkle. The average weight is 5.47 ct., priced at $5/ct., and the price shown is per gemstone.  



10 mm square These 2 1 square princess cut pink cubic zirconia are very impressive at 10mm in size. The color is gorgeous. At only $5/ct they're a good deal (because in many other cases the per carat price of stones increases with size). Their average weight is 9.11 ct., and the price shown is per gemstone.  



Blue Sapphire  CZ The color of fine natural blue sapphire


Orangy-Red CZ


4 mm round We have this striking orangey-red color cubic zirconia in several shapes and sizes. The photo shows a range of example sizes of the round gems, all faceted in a Portuguese brilliant flower cut. There are two available in the 4mm size. The average weight is 0.50ct., and they are priced at $6/ct. The price shown is per individual gemstone. new



5 mm round We have this striking orangey-red color cubic zirconia in several shapes and sizes. The photo shows a range of example sizes of the round gems, all faceted in a Portuguese brilliant flower cut. There is one available in the 5mm size. The weight is 0.89ct., and it is priced at $6/ct. sold



6 mm round We have this striking orangey-red color cubic zirconia in several shapes and sizes. The photo shows a range of example sizes of the round gems, all faceted in a Portuguese brilliant flower cut. There are four three one available in the 6mm size. The average weight is 1.45ct., and they are priced at $6/ct. The price shown is per individual gemstone. new



8 mm round We have this striking orangey-red color cubic zirconia in several shapes and sizes. The photo shows a range of example sizes of the round gems, all faceted in a Portuguese brilliant flower cut. There are three 2 1 available in the 8mm size. The average weight is 3.55ct., and they are priced at $6/ct. The price shown is per individual gemstone. new



9 mm round We have this striking orangey-red color cubic zirconia in several shapes and sizes. The photo shows a range of example sizes of the round gems, all faceted in a Portuguese brilliant flower cut. There are two one none available in the 9mm size. The average weight is 5.02ct., and they are priced at $6/ct. The price shown is per individual gemstone. new



10 mm round We have this striking orangey-red color cubic zirconia in several shapes and sizes. The photo shows a range of example sizes of the round gems, all faceted in a Portuguese brilliant flower cut. There are two none available in the 10mm size. The average weight is 7.04ct., and they are priced at $6/ct. The price shown is per individual gemstone. new



7x5 mm oval We have this striking orangey-red color cubic zirconia in several shapes and sizes. The photo shows a range of sizes of the oval gems, all faceted in a Portuguese brilliant flower cut. There are three two available in the 7x5mm size. The average weight is 1.49ct., and they are priced at $6/ct. The price shown is per individual gemstone. new



9x7 mm oval We have this striking orangey-red color cubic zirconia in several shapes and sizes. The photo shows a range of sizes of the oval gems, all faceted in a Portuguese brilliant flower cut. There are two available in the 9x7mm size. The average weight is 3.57ct., and they are priced at $6/ct. The price shown is per individual gemstone. new



10x8 mm oval We have this striking orangey-red color cubic zirconia in several shapes and sizes. The photo shows a range of sizes of the oval gems, all faceted in a Portuguese brilliant flower cut. There is one 0 available in the 10x8mm size. The weight is 4.42ct., and it is priced at $6/ct. new



9x7mm emerald shape We have this striking orangey-red color cubic zirconia in several shapes and sizes. The photo shows a range of sizes of the rectangular (emerald shaped) gems, all faceted in a cut corner radiant pattern. There is one available in the 9x7mm size. The weight is 4.28ct., priced at $6/ct. new



10x8mm emerald shape We have this striking orangey-red color cubic zirconia in several shapes and sizes. The photo shows a range of sizes of the rectangular (emerald shaped) gems, all faceted in a cut corner radiant pattern. There is one available in the 10x8mm size. The weight is 5.42ct., priced at $6/ct. new



11x9mm emerald shape We have this striking orangey-red color cubic zirconia in several shapes and sizes. The photo shows a range of sizes of the rectangular (emerald shaped) gems, all faceted in a cut corner radiant pattern. There is one available in the 11x9mm size. The weight is 8.11ct., priced at $6/ct. new



Dark Orangy-Red CZ A more deeply colored orangy-red


8 mm heart Faceted in an 8-mm brilliant heart cut. Two One available.  The average weight is 3.2 ct. Priced at $6/ct.  The price shown is per stone.  



Amethyst-Purple CZ A flashy amethyst color


5 mm round This lab-grown cubic zirconia gem is faceted in a 5mm round Portuguese brilliant flower cut.  Nice clean stone the color of amethyst, but with more fire. Shown on the left in the photo. The weight is 0.9 ct. Priced at $4/ct. new



7.5 mm round This lab-grown cubic zirconia is a nice, light shade of purple. It is 7.5-mm round and faceted in a Portuguese brilliant flower cut.  The weight is 2.9 ct. Priced at $4/ct. sold



7x5 mm oval This 7x5mm oval amethyst-color cubic zirconia has a deep purple color despite its small size. It weighs 1.55 ct. and is priced at $4/ct. sold sold



8x6 mm oval These 8x6mm oval cubic zirconia are a rich amethyst-purple color. Three Two One are available, with an average weight of 2.19 ct. Priced at $4/ct. The price shown is per gemstone. new



9x7 mm oval These 9x7mm oval amethyst-color cubic zirconia are faceted in a Portuguese brilliant flower cut. The average weight is 3.63ct. Two are available, but they're not quite well matched enough to be ideal as earrings. Priced at $4/ct. The price shown is per stone.  



10x8 mm oval These 10x8mm oval amethyst-color cubic zirconia have excellent clarity and great sparkle. The average weight is  4.94 ct., priced at $4/ct. Four Two are available, and the price shown is per stone. new



12x10 mm oval This large 12x10mm oval amethyst-color cubic zirconia has a rich purple color. It weighs 9.17 ct. and it's priced at $4/ct. sold



8 mm trillion This 8 mm trillion amethyst-color cubic zirconia has beautiful color and sparkle. The weight is 2.88 ct., and it's priced at $4/ct.  



9 mm trillion We have one 9 mm trillion amethyst-color cubic zirconia available, and it's a beautiful gem. The weight is 4.21 ct., priced at $4/ct.  



10 mm trillion There are two one 10mm trillion amethyst-color cubic zirconia available. They have excellent sparkle. The average weight is 5.58 ct., and they're priced at $4/ct. The price shown is per stone.  



Lavender Color-Change CZ Changes color from  icy blue in fluorescent light to pinkish lavender in incandescent lighting - an intriguing gemstone


10x8 mm oval A very nice pink/lavender color-change cubic zirconia gemstone with good brilliance. Two One is are available with an average weight of 4.9 ct. The cut is a 10x8-mm oval Portuguese brilliant flower cut. Priced at $6/ct. The price shown at the right is per stone. sold



11x9 mm oval Nice brilliance and color in this oval Portuguese brilliant flower cut gemstone fashioned in an 11x9-mm oval.   Pinkish lavender in warm light changing to icy blue in fluorescent light.   The  CZ's weight is 7.2 ct. Priced at $6/ct.  sold



11x9 mm emerald cut Have a large emerald-shape dazzling necklace or ring using this traditional emerald-cut pinkish-lavender cubic zirconia.  It weighs 7.7 ct and is cut in an 11x9-mm rectangular octagon.  Would look great with diamond or clear CZ accent stones.   Priced at $6/ct.



Tanzanite-Color CZ A CZ simulation of popular but rare, expensive and soft tanzanite


5 mm round There are two none of these brilliant-cut 5mm round tanzanite-color cubic zirconia available. They would be perfect for earrings, although they also can be sold separately. The average weight is 0.89 ct., priced at $9/ct. The price shown is per gem. new



6 mm round Five 6mm round tanzanite-color cubic zirconias with beautiful color. They weigh about 1.4 ct. and are priced at $9/ct. new



8 mm round We have four 3 of these gorgeous 8mm round brilliant tanzanite-color cubic zirconia. Their average weight is 3.51 ct., and they are priced (per gem) at just $9/ct. new



10 mm round In the large 10mm size, we have three two one round, brilliant cut tanzanite-color cubic zirconia. Their rich color is spectacular. The average weight is 6.76 ct., priced at $9/ct. Priced per gem. new



7x5 mm oval We have a matched pair of 7x5mm oval brilliant cut tanzanite-colored cubic zirconia. The average weight is 1.56 ct. and they're priced at $9/ct. The price shown is per stone.  



9x7 mm oval This 9x7mm oval cubic zirconia has a deep blue tanzanite color. This is a nice versatile size. The weight is 3.46 ct. and the price is $9/ct.  



10x8 mm oval This 10x8mm oval tanzanite-colored cubic zirconia is a gorgeous gem. It weighs 4.64 ct. and is priced at $9/ct.  



12x10 mm oval Two 12x10 mm oval tanzanite-colored cubic zirconia gems are available. At this large size, the color is a deep blue. The average weight is 8.09 ct., priced at $9/ct. The price shown is per stone.  



7x5 mm emerald shape This 7x5 mm tanzanite-color cubic zirconia is cut in a rectangular barion style. It would make a beautiful ring. It weighs 1.48 ct. and is priced at $9/ct.  



9x7 mm emerald shape We have seven 5 of these 9x7 mm tanzanite-color cubic zirconia cut in a rectangular barion style. Their beautifully rich color is matched. The average weight is 4.29 ct. and they're priced at $9/ct. The price shown is per stone. new



10x8 mm emerald shape In the 10x8mm size, two rectangular (emerald-shaped) tanzanite-blue cubic zirconia are available. These are very pretty gems. The average weight is 6.29 ct. and they're priced at $9/ct. The price shown is per gemstone. new



12x10 mm emerald shape There is one 12x10 mm emerald shape tanzanite-colored cubic zirconia available. It's a beautiful gem. The weight is 10.74 ct., priced at $9/ct. sold



14x10 mm emerald shape This 14x10 mm emerald shape tanzanite-colored cubic zirconia has a remarkable deep blue color. The weight is 12.48 ct., priced at $9/ct.  



5 mm trillion This 5mm trillion tanzanite-colored cubic zirconia is delightful. The weight is 0.72 ct. and the stone is priced at $9/ct.  



5 mm trillion This 5mm trillion cubic zirconia is a light tanzanite blue color. It weighs 0.78 ct., and is priced at $9/ct.  



7 mm trillion A 7mm trillion tanzanite-colored cubic zirconia with excellent sparkle. The weight is 1.94 ct., priced at $9/ct.  



8 mm trillion We have three one 8mm trillion tanzanite-colored cubic zirconia, all with excellent color and sparkle. The average weight is 2.78 ct., priced at $9/ct.  



9 mm trillion We have one 0 9mm trillion tanzanite-colored cubic zirconia. It's a beautiful gem. The weight is 3.52 ct. and it's priced at $9/ct. sold



5 mm square princess This is a sweet little 5mm tanzanite-blue-colored cubic zirconia faceted in a square princess cut. It weighs 1.20ct, and is priced at $9/ct. Great sparkle! new



8 mm square princess We have another princess-cut square cubic zirconia in the tanzanite-blue color. This one is 8mm, and is a very nice gem. It weighs 5.33ct. Priced at $9/ct. new



10 mm square There is one large 10mm square tanzanite-colored cubic zirconia available. The intense blue color is gorgeous. The gem weighs 8.34 ct., and is priced at $9/ct.  



10 mm heart 10-mm tanzanite-color brilliant-faceted hearts with a nice purple component to their color.  Excellent clarity. Two available at an average weight of 5.9 ct.  Priced at $9/ct.; price given is per stone.



13x9 mm pear shape These two 13x9mm pear-shaped tanzanite-blue colored cubic zirconia are very elegant! On average they weigh 7.67ct., and they're priced at $9/ct. The price shown is per gem. new



Coppery-Peach Color CZ Similar to sunstone, with flashes of fire  Note: This batch of CZs have some small cutting flaws (nicks and chips) that are not likely to be visible to the eye.


5 mm round This coppery-peach colored CZ is faceted in a 5mm round Portuguese brilliant flower cut. It weighs 0.77ct. and is priced at $5/ct. One available. sold



7x5 mm oval We have oval shaped coppery-peach colored CZ faceted in a range of sizes, in the Portuguese brilliant flower cut. The 7x5mm gems weigh 1.40ct. on average. Priced at $5/ct., and the price shown is per gemstone. Four available. new



8x6 mm oval We have oval shaped coppery-peach colored CZ faceted in a range of sizes, in the Portuguese brilliant flower cut. The 8x6mm gems weigh 2.34ct. on average. Priced at $5/ct., and the price shown is per gemstone. Three available. new



9x7 mm oval We have oval shaped coppery-peach colored CZ faceted in a range of sizes, in the Portuguese brilliant flower cut. The 9x7mm gems weigh 3.63ct. on average. Priced at $5/ct., and the price shown is per gemstone. Two available. new



10x8 mm oval We have oval shaped coppery-peach colored CZ faceted in a range of sizes, in the Portuguese brilliant flower cut. The 10x8mm gems weigh 4.98ct. on average. Priced at $5/ct., and the price shown is per gemstone. Two one available. new



8x6 mm rectangle These coppery-peach colored CZ are faceted in an 8x6mm cut-corner radiant rectangular octagon and weigh 3.23ct. on average. Priced at $5/ct., and the price shown is per gemstone. Two available. new



9x7 mm rectangle These coppery-peach colored CZ are faceted in a 9x7mm cut-corner radiant rectangular octagon and weigh 4.34ct. on average. Priced at $5/ct., and the price shown is per gemstone. Two available. new



10 mm square CCR We also have large (10mm) square coppery-peach colored CZs. This one is faceted in a cut-corner radiant pattern (left in the photo), and weighs 9.75ct. Priced at $5/ct. A very nice gemstone! new



10 mm square Asscher We also have large (10mm) square coppery-peach colored CZs. This one is faceted in an Asscher cut (like an emerald cut, but square). It weighs 10.17ct. Priced at $5/ct. Another very nice gemstone! new



Spring Green Color CZ A beautiful (and fashionable) light green color  Note: These CZs exhibit slight color change depending on lighting conditions, from light minty green to a hint of yellow-green.


4 mm round This Spring Green colored CZ is faceted in a 4mm round Portuguese brilliant flower cut and weighs 0.45ct. Priced at $8/ct. One available. sold new



5 mm round This Spring Green colored CZ is faceted in a 5mm round Portuguese brilliant flower cut and weighs 0.93ct. This gem has slight inclusions, and is priced at $5/ct. One available. sold



6 mm round This Spring Green colored CZ is faceted in a 6mm round Portuguese brilliant flower cut and weighs 1.57ct. Priced at $8/ct. One available. new



6 mm round This Spring Green colored CZ is faceted in a 6mm round Portuguese brilliant flower cut and weighs 1.63ct. This gem has slight inclusions, and is priced at $5/ct. One available. new



8 mm round This Spring Green colored CZ is faceted in an 8mm round Portuguese brilliant flower cut and weighs 3.47ct. Priced at $8/ct. One 0 available. new



8 mm round This Spring Green colored CZ is faceted in an 8mm round Portuguese brilliant flower cut and weighs 4.00ct. This gem has slight inclusions, and is priced at $5/ct. One available. new



10 mm round This Spring Green colored CZ is faceted in a 10mm round Portuguese brilliant flower cut and weighs 6.27ct. Priced at $8/ct. One None available. new



10x8 mm oval These Spring Green colored CZ are faceted in a 10x8mm oval Portuguese brilliant flower cut and weigh 5.12ct. on average. Priced at $8/ct. Two available. new



12x10 mm oval This Spring Green colored CZ is faceted in a 12x10mm oval Portuguese brilliant flower cut and weigh 9.53ct. Priced at $8/ct. One available. new



10x8mm rectangle CCR This Spring Green colored CZ is faceted in a 10x8mm rectangular octagon, in a cut-corner radiant cut. It weighs 5.89ct., priced at $8/ct. One available. new



12x10mm rectangle step cut This Spring Green colored CZ is faceted in a 12x10mm rectangular octagon step cut. It weighs 10.55ct., priced at $8/ct. One available. new



9 mm trillion This Spring Green colored CZ is faceted in a 9mm trillion Portuguese brilliant flower cut. It weighs 4.74 ct., priced at $8/ct. One available. new


See www.siliconsultant.com 
for consulting services in silicon crystal growth.

See www.geolite.com 
for fine gemstones & jewelry